What is Solar System?

Friday, February 24, 2017

The solar system is simply the Sun and its 8 planets revolving around it in an elliptical path. In this tutorial we will get answers of questions like -What is a planet?,What is a natural satellite?, What are the essential conditions required for sustaining life on a planet? and many other such questions related to  our solar system and it's planets.

The Sun:-
  • It’s size is thirteen times the Earth.
  • It’s diameter is 1.4 million kilometres.
  • The sun is about 150 million kilometres away from the earth.
  • The composition of the Sun:- Hydrogen71% , Helium26.5% and remaining 2.5% consists various metals and elements, including neon, iron, oxygen and carbon.
  • The sun continuously gets energy from the fusion of hydrogen to helium releasing huge amount of energy and vice-versa.
  • The planet revolve around it at an about the speed of 70000 km per hr.
  • It takes around 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach the sunlight from the sun to the earth at an speed of light that is 300000 KM/seconds.

Solar System
Solar System
Classification of Planet:-

1. Terrestrial Planets(Inner Planets):-
  • The four inner planets which is near to sun (mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars)are terrestrial planets.
  • These planets are also called as rocky planets or solid planets.
  • These are made up of the denser materials like metals, minerals and rocks.
  • They contain few or no satellites.
  • They have a thin layer of atmosphere.
2. Jovian Planets (Outer Planets):-
  • The four outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are called as Jovian planets.
  • They are made up of gases mainly Hydrogen and Helium.
  • Some planets have rings around it.
  • They have large numbers of natural satellites.
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1. Mercury:-
  • It is the closest planet to the sun.
  • It does not have any protective blanket like ozone on earth to prevent it from harmful radiations.
  • Many building blocks of life carbon dioxide, nitrogen, Hydrogen and oxygen.
2. Venus:-
  • This planet is nearest planet to the earth and also known as the earth’s twin.
  • Venus is known as the Evening Star as well as Morning star.
  • Venus is the hottest planet of the Solar system due to a thick blanket of methane which prevents the  reflection of incoming radiations of the Sun due to which it is also called as Veiled Planet.
3. The Earth:-
  • Earth is the largest planet of the inner planets.
  • It takes around 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds to rotate on its own axis., while it takes about 365 days 5 hours and 48 minutes to revolve around the Sun.
  • It is the only of the solar system that has the ability to sustain life  due to presence of water, oxygen, nitrogen etc.
  • The is tilted on its axis and makes 66.5°.
4. Mars:-
  • Mars is known as Red Planet due to presence of iron rich red soil and pinkish atmosphere of it.
  • Phoebes and Demos are only two satellites of Mars.
5. Jupiter:-
  • This the largest planet of solar system.
  • Also the largest satellite of solar system is the Jupiter’s satellite Ganymede.
  • The average temperature of Jupiter is very low (-148 degree Celsius.

  • It is the fifth planet from the sun and average distance from the sun is 772.8 million kilometres. 
     6. Saturn:-
    • It is the 2nd largest planet of the solar system.
    • Saturn has bright concentric rings, It is made up of ice and dust particles.
    • It’s largest satellite is Titan.
    7. Uranus:-
    • It was discovered by Sir William Hersiel.
    • Uranus  and Venus are the only planets which rotates from east to west on its axis. which is opposite to other.
    • It is seventh planet from the Sun and it is also the third largest planet of the solar system.
    • It appears greenish in colour since it has methane gas in present in its atmosphere.
    • It  is also called as “Planet on its Side”.
    8. Neptune:-
      • It is the fourth largest planet of the solar system and 47 times bigger than the Earth.

      • Neptune and Uranus is known as twins because of similarities.
      • It has 8 natural satellites.
      • Pluto is not considered as Planets from 24th August 2004 as declared by IAU(International Astronomical Union).
      • Earlier Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930.
      • Now Pluto is an asteroid and numbered as 134340.
      • It is newly identified planet of solar system.
      • But it is not yet proved and officially declared by IAU.

      The Moon:-
      • The moon is the only satellite of the earth, it takes 27 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes to rotate on its axis(This is also known as sideral month and moon’s period. 
      • The moon’s period of revolution with reference to the sun is about 29  days, 12 hours,  44 minutes and 2.8 seconds. This period is called a synodic month.
      • The bright part of the moon is full of mountains whereas the dark spots are low lying plains.
      • Liebuity mountain is the highest mountain of the moon that is 10600 meter high.
      • The light of the moon takes 1.3 seconds to reach the Earth.
      • Moon is known as fossil planet and it’s study is known as Selenology.
      • The gravitational force on the surface of the moon is 1/6 the gravitational force on the Earth.
      • The minimum distance between the moon and Earth is 3,64,000(perigee) and maximum distance is 4,06,000 km(apogee).
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      Solar System